Admiralty Pilot Books (Sailing)

Posted by Cool guy | 9:27 AM
Admiralty Pilot Books (Sailing)
2003 - 2005 | Collection | PDF | 876 Mb

Description: Pilot - a description of the seas and oceans and their coastal in all respects, all located on the shores of noticeable places and characters, and showing spodrobnym navigator paths for safe and successful voyage, and shelters along the coast, as well as ways and means by which the navigator can use a it needs at each bank in each particular place. In general L. ocean floor topography and outlines the properties of soil, temperature and salinity of ocean temperature and air pressure, the nature of waves and tides, the distribution of sea and air currents, and, according to them, the most advantageous way for ocean-going transitions at this time , the distribution of storms, hurricanes and the way ivremeni rules to avoid the center of the latter, the distribution of the elements of the earth magnitizma and their application to the compass. Each is a complete guide to LA some seas or coastal ocean is of a general part and special instructions. The general part provides a physical and geographical description of the sea and the coast, fence system and the dangers of the light illumination, the organization of storm and vague signals and prediction of weather and, finally, the major seaside locations in the industrial, commercial and military terms. In the special part - all the shoals, banks, reefs, distinctive depth, an indication of how the courses have a ship on the transition from odnogopunkta to another, the local currents and wind, water, coast and how their recognition from the sea in different circumstances, rising above the path beacons and signs as at sea or on shore, local deviations of the magnetic needle, the port entrance and exits, anchoring points, pilot plant and a per-port description of population, industry, commerce, natural products, warehouses, coal, wood, water, railways on the shore, administrative and social institutions, etc. On each ship guide LA are as necessary as the cards. This distribution contains the sailing of the English edition of service hydrography.

Title: Admiralty Pilot Books
Year: 2003 - 2005
Format: PDF
Author: None.
Publisher: United Kingdom Hydrographic Office
Genre: Navigation.
Quality: eBook (original computer)
Extras. Information: Mariners handbook
Language: English.





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